
Showing posts from December, 2011

Century Old Theme of Life

I am put at desk Holding my breath I do my duties A message from Gita Which many have forgotten Let your Karma flow And don't be embarrassed Of the outcome. Ignorance towards Fruition's Is the best way to keep Yourself happy. Desires make you More vulnerable  To Unhappy life Untouched!!!  And let go off your fears Put an emotional screen Blocking the Heart Not a single sieve Make the happiness go That is the only way to be happy Let you not be biased!!!... Oops I am talking Philosophy! But that is what I gained from life Let Fruition never let  go of your Enthusiasm for work Indifference to Fruitful outcome Makes you Happy! I bet you. But mind is chaos Changes every time To achieve this ...a stable mind Needs to be carved Through practice And let go of your unhappiness!!! A philosophers mind Is Complicated This is a great message Krishna gave. And really work for the Kaliyuga! In ...