Are we Robots or Humans?

The days of loneliness are back again. Now I find time replacing things and that is some kind of disorder I heard of somewhere. Interior design is a great artwork every house wife should learn and adhere to daily I suppose. I have just no time cleaning up piled things every day. The day starts with these random stuffs and cooking. There is no time for anything but still the loneliness creep’s in.And sometimes it is good to be lonely.

Reading news, horrible again daily and now I quit. I just went back my college days where I used to find lot of time for leisure and fun even in between studies. These days people are so busy, hardly I find someone to talk to and I have changed such a way that I don’t want to talk to anyone now. This is the Computer Age, I heard of in my childhood and everyone is turning into Robotic Image. I can find people either sticking on to mobiles, laptops, I pads and accessories…and what not…So busy as to kill time and no time for near and dear ones. Sometimes love care and happiness comes secondary and all are so busy adjusting to be busy so that they are not hurt thinking about love and care stuffs.
But motherhood and parenthood should be taken care soon as kids are turning hyperactive with little care or love from their busy working parents. They either put them to a maid servant or turn themselves making money lots and little time to be spent with kids. People find money as a big boon to buy luxuries. So where are the values and morals for the family if these fashions come into picture? I can find kids scolding back parents at such a tiny age, to get what they want because they are well accustomed to the situation that they know they are just guinea pigs for their parents. No love, no care and then no regrets.
This is also Age for Crystal Kids, hope you know this. They are so intelligent and brained with talents.So it is our duty as to not spoil their future from lack of respect, love and kindness. Philosophically speaking value added teaching at a tiny age should be the beginning of such intelligent ones. And they should not be thrown to the tantrum of psychic traumas and such kids later turn into lunatic waves. That is what we hear in news these days. No morals at home then how will they give morals to Society?
So it is like Robot Movie…Humans have turned into Robots with little hearts. We have been living in flats and in congested places that kids have no space for playing. During my childhood my only hobbies where climbing trees, roaming around the vast space called garden in my house and into swings that my uncles used to tie up high atop in the trees. And playing with the muds and grasses was my only past time. Now the kids don’t even touch the ground and they need sandals to wear and never played or climbed trees in their life time.

This is the IT Era, and the world must have never confronted this. But in terms of values and morals a big zero! .That is what it makes me think…for example the Delhi Incident and Surya Nellie Case. And it will force God to re incarnate soon if the plight of world is this. What a pathetic condition we are into!.
As such am not blaming the Technological Advances or anything, but as an add-on other things should also be taken care into. If not why are we called humans, we can be robots right?. Environmental factors are making me sad as I fear the earth is hiding too much tears from us .And it is abruptly out bursting into sand storms, volcanoes, tsunamis and what not!
Oops! , I fear at large this level of atrocities and destructing mentality of monster minded human nature. The very basic thing starts from toddling ones. The kind of habit should be learned from parents and teachers.
Keep up the values and morals that is one another message I want to give to this world.


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